The town and the Delta

Les Cases de Alcanar,  known as “Las Cases” is housed in the canareu coast, 4 km from Alcanar.

Les Cases d’Alcanar is one of the most charming fishing villages of the Costa del Ebro, its appearance of authentic fishing village marked by a waterfront that preserves the old fishermen’s houses, along with the port its sporting and fishing harbor confer a special charm unique to the Ebro.

Unlike the rest of Catalan fishing ports, Las Casas de Alcanar, it was built through the efforts of the sailors, who had to deal with construction costs, since the construction of a new port was warranted given the proximity of other important fishing ports.


The woman has been a key to the development of the people from the point of view of the family figure. He has contributed to many crucial tasks for their husbands and other men famila can go to sea: taking out the fish from the nets, mending and selling.

Without these three functions would not be possible for sailors away from sea fishing out properly. They also represent a highly visible and endearing part of the social fabric in all aspects of everyday life of fishermen.

It is a town that ‘virgin’ remains from the point of view of tourism planning. There is no hotel or residential apartment blocks sea edge, rather the opposite, meadows people of life remain. Alcanar  les Cases d’ Alcanar: Jardí vora Mar.



Tot sovint penso que la meva infànciaté una dolça i secreta remor d’aigua.

Parlo de la verdor d’un delta immens;parlo dels vols dels ibis (milers d’ibiscom volves vives de la neu més blanca)i del flamenc rosat (de l’íntim rosad’un pit de noia gairebé entrevist).

I parlo del coll-verd brunzint per l’airecom la pedra llançada per la fona,de l’anguila subtil com la serpent,la tenca platejada de les basses.Parlo del llarg silenci on es fonienl’aigua dolça del riu, la mar amarga.

Parlo d’un riu entre canyars, domèstic;parlo -Virgili amic- de l’horta ufana,dels tarongers florits i l’api tendre,de l’aixada i la falç, del gos a l’era.(Lluny, pel cel clar, va un vol daurat de garses.)

Parlo d’un riu antic, solcat encarapels vells llaguts: els últims, llegendarisllaguts, tan afuats com una espasa,i carregats de vi, de llana, d’ordi,i amb mariners cantant sobre la popa.

Parlo d’un lent crepuscle que posavaor tremolós a l’aigua amorosida,punts de llum a les ales dels insectes,solars reflectiments als ponts llunyans.Dolça remor de l’aigua en el record.